Inventory Compilation:

The inventory report provides a detailed and accurate record of the property including photographs. It includes all fixtures, fittings and contents and is set out in a clear, crisp and modern template including conditions of all doors, ceilings, floors, walls, windows, etc...



The check-in process ensures that your new tenants are in agreement with the condition of the property and the contents of the inventory. Meter readings are taken, the keys are handed over and the inventory is signed and agreed by the tenants to prevent disagreements at the end of the tenancy.


Mid Term Inspections:

The mid term inspection is carried out to ensure that the tenants are complying with their contractual obligations and their standard of living is not in any way damaging the fabric of the property.


Check out Report:

The check-out takes place when your tenants move out and compares the condition at the end of the tenancy to that on the original inventory which was agreed and signed at the check-in at the beginning of the tenancy. Where possible we like to meet the tenants when doing the check-out as we find this helps to prevent disagreements when the report is complete. A report is made on the property showing any discrepancies (including photos of any damage) and recommendations are made regarding the responsibility for damage or cleanliness while taking into account "fair wear and tear".